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Monday, November 9, 2009

Forever Palestine...

Sami Yusuf- Forever Palestine....
Mother don�t cry for me I am heading off to war
God almighty is my armour and sword
Palestine, Forever Palestine

Children being killed for throwing stones in the sky
They say to their parents don�t worry, God is on our side
Palestine, Forever Palestine
Mother don�t worry when they come for us at night
Surely they�ll be sorry when God puts them right
Tell me why they�re doing what was done to them
Don�t they know that God is with the oppressed and needy
Perished were the nations that ruled through tyranny
Palestine, Forever Palestine
Children of Palestine are fighting for their lives
They say to their parents we know that Palestine is our right
They to say to their parents we�ll fight for what is right
They say not to worry God is on our side
They say we�ll die for Palestine
Palestine, Forever Palestine

Palestin oh palestin....

Palestin sebuah negara merdeka yg kini dijajah oleh puak yahudi zionis yg sgt kejam dan jahat.. Zionis adalah kaum yg dilaknat oleh Allah.. Ramai saudara2 kita disana palestin sedang bertarung dgn jiwa dan raga mereka menentang Israel yg sgt kejam dan bodoh...
Dimanakah Salahuddin Ayyubi yg satu masa dahulu mengetuai pasukan tentera Islam menentang yahudi yg kejam itu!!
Dimanakah kekuatan ummah kita utk menentang kaum yg hina itu!!
Dimanakah suara kita menentang suara mereka2 yg x berguna di Israel itu!!!
Kita harus sedar setiap masa bahawa isu palestin ini bknla isu org palestin tetapi ia adalah isu kita semua umat ISLAM...
Salahuddin Al-Ayubbi pernah berkata bahawa sesiapa yg menguasai Palestin maka dia menguasai dunia... Byk sejarah yg mengaitkan kita sebagai seorg muslim dgn Palestin...MAsjid Al-Aqsa adalah kiblat pertama kita sebelum Kaabah di Mekah...Ingatkah kita???!!! Peristiwa ISRAK DAN MIKRAJ berlaku dia masjid AL-Aqsa...PErnahkah kita terfikir mengapakah ALLAH membawa Rasulullah SAW ke Palestin dari Mekah sebelum ke langit ketujuh utk berjumpa dgnNYA??? Kerana PAlestin harus sentiasa diingati oleh umat ISLAM!! Kerana Al-Aqsa mesti sentiasa di pertahankan oleh umat Islam...!! Kerana akidah umat ISLAM mesti dipertahankan oleh umat islam itu sendiri!!
Objektif Zionis yg kejam : untuk meruntuhkan Masjid Al-Aqsa dan menbina kuil Hykal( The temple of Solomon) di tapak masjid Al-Aqsa...
Objektif kita: Mempertahankan masjid Al-Aqsa, melawan puak zionis yg bodoh itu!!
Apa kita boleh lakukan?? Takkan nak berperang di palestin?? Takkan kita nak mandi darah di palestin?? Takkan kita nak tinggalkan dunia kita yg aman disini utk palestin??
Peperangan ISLAM dan ZIONIS akan berlaku sehingga kiamat...!! Sehingga Nabi Isa A.S turun utk menyelamatkan umat ISLAM!! Kita sebagai umat Islam di serata dunia bkn disuruh utk berperang secara fizikal dgn ZIONIS tetapi kita ada ALLAH, kita ada kekuatan berdoa!! Kita ada kekuatan wang dan tenaga!! Kita ada ilmu!! Yg penting kita ada hati perut dan perasaan kasihan! Kita umat ISLAM, kita bukan ZIONIS yg kejam!! Kita umat yg sentiasa memberi belas kasihan tetapi jangan kita tunduk kepada ZIONIS di atas dasar itu!!!
Jadi!! Berdoalah (qunut nazilah) utk org palestin dan semua umat islam di dunia ini... Cubalah boikot barangan2 yg boleh membantu ISRAEL... Cubalah membantu menderma utk Palestin... Dan cubalah kita sentiasa mengambil berat isu2 berkaitan ummah kita, Insyallah!!
MArilah bersama2 kita membantu saudara kita di PAlestin dlm perjuangan mereka di sana!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Almighty..

Concept of god has been the since ancient times... Allah has assign many messengers to summon mankind to worship ALLAH S.W.T.. It has been through all our prophets till the last prophets that is Muhammad SAW... Muhammad SAW started his journey of 'dakwah' in Mekah and then was ordered by Allah S.W.T to 'hijrah' to a new city known as Madinah where the first empire of Islam was build under the ruling of prophet Muhammad SAW...
The concept of god was followed by all mankind even before the birth of prophet Muhammad SAW.. but prophet Muhammad brought the absolute teaching and the ultimate religion for the whole mankind...The Al-Quran, the holy book of ISLAM that was, that is and that will be always regarded as a noble book with ultimate perfection and cannot be question by any creature living in the universe...
ISLAM is a easy religion to follow and as long as we make it easy it is quite simplekan..? Some people make it complicated for them by sometimes thinking beyond that is unimaginable but as long as we are in the right path Allah blessing is always upon us...
This song by mawi and KRU really has good advice and the song is actually nice to hear..Video is just right below..So dear brother's and sister's, let us follow what ISLAM wants and if we can't do everything just do simple things and hope for the best that we will always be under the 'rahmat' of ALLAH The ALMIGHTY... As day goes by progression must be there so that we will be proud to say that we are the ummah of RASULULLAH SAW...
This advice is strongly for me and also for my brother's and sister's out there..So help me to become a wise and good follower of our beloved religion, ISLAM... May Allah have mercy upon us always, INSYALLAH....

Video klip bertaraf antarabangsa and lagu yg cukup memberikan nasihat... Enjoy!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jihad menentang diri...

After so long I am re-writing my blog.. Busy lately and just felt that I wanted to write about NAFSU AND JIHAD...
Jihad adalah kita melawan againts something in the path of Allah the Almighty.. Jihad has many scopes if we really analyse it... Jihad againts the kufur, jihad againts the wrongdoers and also jihad againts ourself of something we called nafsu..
NAFSU is something very strong that is able to gain control over the activities of the human..this thing called NAFSU is good for us to have it but sometimes we go beyond how we are suppose to use it... NAFSU is actually our feelings or our perception to do something.. I may not be using the correct word to describe it... Well NAFSU is important we it makes us feel good such as eating, sleeping, having sex, doing something but sometimes this nafsu applied far away from the situation makes it not acceptable by ISLAM...
How we are going to go againts this so called bad nafsu if it comes...I admit its hard and it is very2 challenging to go about it because i myself experienced it and sometimes we just don't know what to do to control it...
Still today mankind n me especially still fighting againts our nafsu or bad wills to control it but not to remove it from our life... Just as a reminder for me and the ummah that we must be strong and grow stronger it fighting it..It's a JIHAD n we are bound to jihad... I did mistakes off my past due to my nafsu but I am determine to be a better person for our beloved Islam..
So dear brother's n sister's fight hard and be strong... Any advice I would be happy to listen... Help me and help our brothers and sisters in undergoing this JIHAD, Insyallah...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hanya Takdir...Untukmu Palestin

Sebuah video utk melihat nasib sedara se-Islam kita di Palestin...Marilah sama2 kita berdoa agar mereka dibebaskan dari kekejaman zionis yg makin menjadi-jadi dari hari kehari... Insafi dan bersyukurla atas nikmat yg Allah telah kurniakan kepada kita yg sedang bersenang-lenang menikmati rezeki dan kurniaan ciptaan Allah S.W.T..apakah nasib mereka akan terbela..walau kita x mampu berjuang, berperang dgn kekuatan kita, gunakanlah kekuatan seorang muslim iaitu DOA.. moga2 Allah S.W.T makbulkan doa kita utk selamatkan rakyat Palestin, dan seluruh umat Islam yang hidup ataupun yg telah mati di dunia mahupun di akhirat kelak..AMIN!!

Ikhlas from me...Hanya yg termampu..

Thursday, March 26, 2009


HOLIDAYS ARE HERE FOR 2ND BATCH IMS BANGALORE!!! Truly excited but still some piece of worry at the back of ma mind.. Well holiday is holiday friends.. Le't enjoy holiday ya!!!

To all my friends going on vacation and adventures, take care of urself and be on the earth k.. dlm bahasa melayu nyer jgn lupe dunia la wei!! To yg balik Malaysia kim salam byk2 kat org Malaysia.. Friends going to GOA, damn jaga mata wei!!! Jgn balik da tercabut bijik mata suda.. amik2 gambarla tunjuk kat aku nanti..

I am still thinking where am I going to go?? Well no plans yet just for now.. I like movies maybe partly I will enjoy movies also.. Ermm pasal jalan2 ni xtau g.. Insan tu pun tgh kelas kan so xde mood sgtla nak jalan.. Kroni2 aku plak pi balik Malaysia.. Haaa..Ramaiah Medical College 5-a side football tournament pun just around the ermm surely this year my team is going to participate..But sadly it will be not the typical team from my batch yg menang juara tournament tu last year... Well we have a strong junior batch maybe who knows glory..glory junior batch!! Make sure u guys win k.. And to friends who is in Bangalore dtg2la menyokong pasukan2 kita yg akan berentap sebagai juara bertahan utk defend title IMS sebagai champ Ramaiah tournament.


Ermm..well comments on the team this year is we won't have Hamid(manager je), Fareed Firdaus a.k.a besaq(winger, midfielder), Shazwan(defence,flank), Vijay(supersub,striker).. I, Joe, Cai and Shah will be playing though...addition to the team is Izzat and Mustaqim.. Well the spirits are not high to win the tournament as last year because our seniors are not participating due to exam...pandaila Ramaiah buat time2 exam ni..But still the juniors will be carrying huge responsibility to win the tournament...Pray for us and our safety during the 'huge' tournament k...Pertahankan maruah IMS!!

Of all this excitement.. Don't forget friends..Internal Assesement is around the corner ya..aku pulak sempat main bola ek..hahaha!! Whateva it is, we must do our best friends!!! Tak kire la tinggi ke x asal semua pass!! Bak kata org the art of medicine is passing!! Bkn passing bola tp pass exam yer!! Common chaiyok2!! Haahahaha!! Anyway I will pray for all our sucess and let us all do the best and what it takes to live a happy life k!!!


from me, R.O.A.D.T.A.L.K.S

Monday, March 23, 2009


In life, many things will happen to us either we want it or we do not want it to happen.. Things is not just going to stay static because god as created our life full of dynamic changes and adventures as we go by.. Sometimes we make the right decision but sometimes though we make mistakes, that is normal I guess... Well everyone tend to make mistakes in life soon or later.. All this is part of life and I will never deny that mistakes make us grow stronger and more wise in making further decisions in life...

As for me, I too made many mistakes and wrongdoings in my life not only for my decision making but also for my wrongdoings and bad actions.. Well I am a normal man just living a life of me in this world.. So sad of myself that I had to make mistakes that may or may not hurt others in the course of having a beautiful happy future and life.. Sincerely though I have no control over my past but I know I have control over what I am doing now... A lot of things in my life has changed and those things made me more confident and wise of what I am doing now... I really don't know what to say about my past..I feel sorry, guilty, but I know the decision I took in past was a some value and there is some 'hikmah' hidden behind it... Because I always try to give the best for myself and people around me and I will take even harsh decision if things are not going well and may lead to that is some phrase..!! hahahah!! But ultimately I think of future and want people to live happy in future even though they need to be sad now for a short while.. Well people to be sad for now is not of my concern because it's more of personal matter of that person..

Well I don't deny I made mistakes..And I am truly sorry and humbled by that mistakes and seek forgiveness from The Almighty.. I hope people will understand and also consider my feelings in any way.. For me now past is past and I look to a better life in future... I hope people also will start to think about future now... No hard feelings but sadness will only bring us to darkness and life is short friends, go and look for the light k...

To the one, u have changed me a lot now... Changed me to be a better person and turning me to a more wise guy with ur unique characteristics of ur own..Hope we will remain the way we are in laughter and in sorrow... Alhamdulillah for what I have gain sometimes I fall and sometimes I am on top of my game and whatever it is I am happy with it.. One day everyone and u will understand why I took some decisions because sometimes I have to listen to my heart rather than being too concern of my surroundings...Well I will try to be a more better person as day pass by and be more responsible of what I am doing..I pray to Allah that things will be more better and life will be great with the blessings of Allah and our parents and people around us.. but yet there is a long journey ahead of us and we must fight all thebad circumstances that might threatened our happiness...

To my friends... Thank u for all of ur support for me all this while and I hope u will be keep supporting me as I will always keep supporting u guys in every way... Well sometimes org kenakan aku but I am happy that people still support me...hahaha!! Thanx guys really appreciate what u have been doing.. I am once again sorry for my wrong acts and my mistakes all this while n I will try to avoid those to happen again..I hope u guys understand and support me always.. Bad guys is not always bad and he will not be always bad..There will a turning point and occasions that change that guy..!! So keep praying to The Almighty...

Finally, Allah has stated in the Quran and it sounds like this:(not exactly the phrase from te holy Quran) it is the transalation

Once a person makes another person happy, he actually makes the whole mankind happy but
Once a person makes another person sad, he actually makes the whole mankind sad...

So friends, try to make people happy always but I know it is impossible to make everyone happy..But just try..Adios!! Holaa to the believers and change u who don't believe!!

Sincerely from me....

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Problem solver vs REVOLVER

Today post is about Cute Problem solvers and Damn REVOLVER!!! Well well well what should I say, as I observed in my life there are two kind of people(not a major classification of human race k), one is people who loves to solve their own problem and other people's problem nice kan.. but the other type is people who always create problem and don't give a damn about it.. So what do think of these type of people..? huh?? so hard to tell rite.. LET ME GIVE A PIECE OF MY FEELINGS...
Damn these REVOLVERS are really annoying in the sense that they really give people trouble and don't know how to manage themselves properly.. really irritating that sometimes I fell like giving a 'pelempang'...!! But what to do God has created man uniquely and variously so live with it la bro!! ahahahah!! But to all this REVOLVERS, try to be more responsible towards urself and the community especially... not to say that u can never ask for help but u must try to manage it urselves first before jumping on other peoples throat... kalau awek xperlerrrr!! hahahaha!! Anyway hope u guys and gals learn everything but the REVOLVERS are specially mentioned to the boys out there yeah... Common boys grow up and be enhanced will being educated ok!!! Do good things to the community, build a great social network system, maintain great economics and u will gain a lot of happiness and benefit. Don't gain knowledge to show of la wei in any manner.. baik ilmu agama atau ilmu duniawi... If u show of u will never gain any respect for anybody anywhere anytime... Be a good individuals just putting the knowledges together to help people and putting the world in a harmonious state. Without this balance and equilibrium things will not go well mankind!!! hahahahah!!
Well HOLAA!! to the Problems Solvers in a way that they are trying to maintain this equilibrium up to a level ya!! Hip Hip Hooray for this kind of great people.. Keep up the good work and as long as u help God's creation, God will always help u in a way.. May Allah bless u and may u live till death and hereafter with happiness, properity and all of work will be paid of, INSYALLAH.. I love this people so much and I will try to help too!!

Problem Solver VS REVOLVER

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Love Story....

Maybe this story have been told n heard before.. But well again with people who haven't heard about this mai cheq nak cerita cikit na...

There was a girl, Cristie and two good looking man, Sam and Joe... Sam was a rich guy, absolutely rich in the way that his father is a businessman not himself..Sam was a good guy but not that good abviously..Well well this boy Joe came from a moderate family n also he was a good boy in the way he is... Cristie pulak, she is a beautiful cute little princess coming from a poor family where her father was a farmer and mother was not doing any work, housewife...

Both of Sam and Joe like Cristie very much..They often meet Cristie in the market helping her father selling some vegetables and so on so forth.. Initially Cristie was not into any of them because she realizes her economical status and there is no way she going to get hooked up with a rich guy even in her dreams..Well her future depends on her father looking for her a young farmer too or who knows maybe a office boy or whatsoever.. But after day by day pass both Sam and Joe started to make her very happy by doing jokes and cheering her up.. Buys her lunch or dinner.. Obviously both of them does that in different time not together ya..

Then one day Cristie asks Sam 'why do u like me and why are doing this for me..? I am poor and uneducated, my dad is a farmer and my mother is sick. I will be a burden in your life' with pouring tears onto her cheeks touched Sam's heart.. Sam answer her that because she is beautiful, cute and he likes the way she talks and dresses and the way she treats him. Cristie was so happy with Sam's answer and start to cry even more and more.. How sad for a poor girl to a cry pondering over a unfortunate life..

The next day she meet Joe and asked him the same question but this time she did not cry in front of him because maybe due to the happiness from the answers that Sam gave to her. Joe kept quiet for a while and was not sure what to answer to Cristie.. Cristie keep on asking him and force him to give an answer to her.. Then finally Joe said ' I like u because, I don't know why'.. Cristie was very sad with Joe answer and felt very bad and started to like Sam more.. She started to avoid pity Joe and more interested in Sam and wish Sam will love him till the end of days..

One unfortunate day, her house caught on fire and the fire fast blazing so fast that she and her parents were unable to do anything to stop it. And then as a result of it her mom n dad died left her all alone in the world.. She was also affected and had bad burn injury to her face and parts of her body. She was admitted to a hospital and was given critical treatment by the doctors there..When Sam and Joe heard this incident they both went to the hospital but Cristie refused to see poor Joe but glad to see Sam came by the hospital. Sam stood there for 5 minutes and he went off from the hospital telling Cristie that he has some work to be done. He then never came back. But Joe stood there and sat by here side all day long.. For three days he was with her by her side taking care of her.. Cristie was in a very critical condition and getting worse day by day. Finally Joe told Cristie that he loved her so much n hope that she will get well soon.. He wants to live happily with her.. Then Cristie responded and said that she is not beautiful anymore and she is not a perfect girl. Joe replied saying that that is why he said he don't know why he loved her. If he loved her for he beauty, now here beauty is no more, if he loved her because she can treat him well, now he has to take care of her.. Now she has no beauty n perfection and he asked whether she wants him to leave her..? Tears drooled down her eyes. Cristie said that she too love him so much and wants to live with him. But unfortunately Cristie's condition was so critical and finally she had to let go of her life. She died in the hands of the truthful Joe by her side.. Joe cried but he knows he need to accept the fate..

Sam meanwhile did'nt even come to see her after she died and no one knows what happened to him. Joe after that was not seen anywhere anymore.. Where Joe is know is till a mystery?

Sweetnyer!!! Cerita ini tidak ada kena mengena dengan hidup ataupun yg telah mati yer.. Hanyala cerita semata-mata...Jangan kaitkan yer dgn sape2... Only for entertainment..

Charity Dinner IMS 2009!!!

Holaa holaa holaa!!! Annual charity dinner International Medical School is back!!!

Annual Charity Night 2008 was a great sucess and holaa tu Student Representative Council Of IMS(soon will be know as International Medical School Association) for organizing that night wonderfully. For the one's who did not come that night and to the guys yang belum sampai IMS lagi(juniorsla), we had some great performances by both batches. Bobo team and Big Cho indi band had just add the energy to the night. Also some performances(dance) by M.S Ramaiah Medical College students(Malaysians ya) went owesomely. Then with the awards that night and the candle light dinner really it was one of the best events ever held in IMS for me. Presents that night was our beloved Dato Ghani and my mom here, Dr. Sudha Suresh made the event more sucessful.

This year well, it is going to be the same grand night all over again. With the increasing number of students, work that have to be done is more challenging and greater. More resources and man power will be needed and hoping to get them sufficiently. Anyone who has any suggestion or comments just leave it here or email it to me. Well again holaa to the new coming member of IMSA and before I leave my SRC seat vacant, I hope that I can enlighten them with some ideas generated by myself and my fellow companions..!! Support INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL SCHOOL ANNUAL CHARITY DINNER 2009 ya!!

Venue of last year Annual Charity Dinner. This year??? Remains a mystery..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Friend Oh Friend...

Semakin lama masa berlalu semakin ramai sahabat yang aku makin kenal di India ni...Setahun dah berlalu di India really I got to know people's attitude.. some act strangely, weirdly, nerdly, and some people change over a period of time..special mention for moody people..this is only subjected to friends ya...hahahaah!! But aku rasa semua orang ada reason di sebalik setiap tingkahlaku yg samada pelik atau mengikut norma manusia biasa.. And myself is not different from this situation... People say things happens for a reason and yeah that is true... Things to happen for a reason and of course things and events changes as time pass by.. So everyone must understand that in order to gain happiness we have to left behind sadness and to do that by only to FORGIVE AND FORGET...

Well aku ada kawan2 yg rock( joe, bobo, geng depala and senior2ku radhi, big cho and geng depa gak) and jugak kawan2 aku yg gila( shaswan sensei, hamid, nani a.k.a anhar, zamir and geng bolaku) but this guys really are great in a way that their life is just about happiness and problem resolution seldomly problem formation..waa comei kan ayat tu...sweetnyer.. ada jugak kawan yg skema(maro, syah junior and senior, faiz parman, hadi, etc) sori r perempuan xmasuk dlm list la kawan2..hahahaah!! BUT we also consists of a bunch of tutttttt people around us not mentioning any spesific people but paham2 advice to them is stop kicking people's ass because u guys have to realise that the time has come for us to kick ur asses.. So jagala kata2 and perangai anda tu yer.. kalau nak jadi baik sgt biarla berpada-pada and kena pada tempatnya.. jgn la hijrah tp hijrah ke tempat yg salah.. this is what we call U HAVE BEEN SPOILED IN A GOOD WAY..hahahaha!!

Finally as for myself, aku xkirela kawan2 ku yg rock ka nerd ka yg gila ka yg 'BAIK' ka aku minta maaf yer..and any incidence occured along this time I am truely sorry for that.. And stop messing with me because I am not the 'old one' anymore... As for the 'BAIKS' people please don' interfere with my life privately or publicly(maybe publicly sikit2 la) bu for my other subtypes friends do la anything u want as long as u are happy with me.. asyik kena sakat je aku ni dua tiga menjak ni..hahahah!!! Anyhow moga sucess selalu to all IMS members!!! HOLAA!!

Introduction of roadtalks!!

Hi friends,
Well newly started roadtalks blog in on its way!! Hahahaah!! On it's way for what I don't know at all. Just putting things together to express myself to the community from the other part of my face. Good or bad?? Don't now. Just hoping that I will feel more happy after thowing my words into the writings and no hard feeling ya. Just take bad things positively and good things greatly, so that everyone on the planet will be happy. Nothing much in this introduction story, hahahah!! Hoping also that I will have time to update this from time to time.. Support me ya!!! Holaa!!