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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jihad menentang diri...

After so long I am re-writing my blog.. Busy lately and just felt that I wanted to write about NAFSU AND JIHAD...
Jihad adalah kita melawan againts something in the path of Allah the Almighty.. Jihad has many scopes if we really analyse it... Jihad againts the kufur, jihad againts the wrongdoers and also jihad againts ourself of something we called nafsu..
NAFSU is something very strong that is able to gain control over the activities of the human..this thing called NAFSU is good for us to have it but sometimes we go beyond how we are suppose to use it... NAFSU is actually our feelings or our perception to do something.. I may not be using the correct word to describe it... Well NAFSU is important we it makes us feel good such as eating, sleeping, having sex, doing something but sometimes this nafsu applied far away from the situation makes it not acceptable by ISLAM...
How we are going to go againts this so called bad nafsu if it comes...I admit its hard and it is very2 challenging to go about it because i myself experienced it and sometimes we just don't know what to do to control it...
Still today mankind n me especially still fighting againts our nafsu or bad wills to control it but not to remove it from our life... Just as a reminder for me and the ummah that we must be strong and grow stronger it fighting it..It's a JIHAD n we are bound to jihad... I did mistakes off my past due to my nafsu but I am determine to be a better person for our beloved Islam..
So dear brother's n sister's fight hard and be strong... Any advice I would be happy to listen... Help me and help our brothers and sisters in undergoing this JIHAD, Insyallah...

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