HOLIDAYS ARE HERE FOR 2ND BATCH IMS BANGALORE!!! Truly excited but still some piece of worry at the back of ma mind.. Well holiday is holiday friends.. Le't enjoy holiday ya!!!
To all my friends going on vacation and adventures, take care of urself and be on the earth k.. dlm bahasa melayu nyer jgn lupe dunia la wei!! To yg balik Malaysia kim salam byk2 kat org Malaysia.. Friends going to GOA, damn jaga mata wei!!! Jgn balik da tercabut bijik mata suda.. amik2 gambarla tunjuk kat aku nanti..
I am still thinking where am I going to go?? Well no plans yet just for now.. I like movies maybe partly I will enjoy movies also.. Ermm pasal jalan2 ni xtau g.. Insan tu pun tgh kelas kan so xde mood sgtla nak jalan.. Kroni2 aku plak pi balik Malaysia.. Haaa..Ramaiah Medical College 5-a side football tournament pun just around the ermm surely this year my team is going to participate..But sadly it will be not the typical team from my batch yg menang juara tournament tu last year... Well we have a strong junior batch maybe who knows glory..glory junior batch!! Make sure u guys win k.. And to friends who is in Bangalore dtg2la menyokong pasukan2 kita yg akan berentap sebagai juara bertahan utk defend title IMS sebagai champ Ramaiah tournament.
Ermm..well comments on the team this year is we won't have Hamid(manager je), Fareed Firdaus a.k.a besaq(winger, midfielder), Shazwan(defence,flank), Vijay(supersub,striker).. I, Joe, Cai and Shah will be playing though...addition to the team is Izzat and Mustaqim.. Well the spirits are not high to win the tournament as last year because our seniors are not participating due to exam...pandaila Ramaiah buat time2 exam ni..But still the juniors will be carrying huge responsibility to win the tournament...Pray for us and our safety during the 'huge' tournament k...Pertahankan maruah IMS!!
Of all this excitement.. Don't forget friends..Internal Assesement is around the corner ya..aku pulak sempat main bola ek..hahaha!! Whateva it is, we must do our best friends!!! Tak kire la tinggi ke x asal semua pass!! Bak kata org the art of medicine is passing!! Bkn passing bola tp pass exam yer!! Common chaiyok2!! Haahahaha!! Anyway I will pray for all our sucess and let us all do the best and what it takes to live a happy life k!!!
from me, R.O.A.D.T.A.L.K.S
Thursday, March 26, 2009
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